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Dr Amélie Vitte

Le Docteur Vitte est diplômée de l’Université de Liège en 2006 puis elle a réalisé un internat à la Clinique de Grosbois et un assistanat au Cirale. Après une période en pratique libérale, elle a complété une formation de résidence en chirurgie auprès du Docteur Rossignol.

Amélie Vitte exerce en en chirurgie et en pathologie locomotrice puis elle s’est formée en dentisterie et développe actuellement ce service.


  • Vitte A, Rossignol F, Mespoulhes-Rivière C, Lechartier A, Röecken M. Two-step surgery combining standing laparoscopy with recumbent ventral median celiotomy for removal of enlarged pathologic ovaries in 20 mares. Vet Surg. 2014 Aug;43(6):663-7.


    Objectives: To report a combination of standing laparoscopic technique for intra-abdominal dissection of the mesovarial pedicle followed by a limited ventral median celiotomy under general anesthesia for removal of enlarged ovaries in mares.

    Study design: Case series.

    Animals: Mares (n = 20) aged 3-22 years with unilateral enlarged ovaries.

    Methods: Enlarged ovaries were confirmed by transrectal palpation and ultrasonography. After sedation, 3 laparoscopic portals were made in the paralumbar fossa. The mesovarium was desensitized and dissected using a vessel sealing device, and the ovary was left free in the abdomen. Then under general anesthesia, the mare was positioned in dorsal recumbency and an 8 cm ventral median celiotomy made for ovary retrieval in a specimen bag.

    Results: This 2-step procedure was successfully used for removal enlarged ovaries (12-50 cm) in 17 mares and for management of behavioral problems in 3 mares. No operative or postoperative complications occurred. Owner satisfaction and cosmesis were considered excellent.

    Conclusions: Standing laparoscopy combined with a limited median celiotomy is a safe technique for ovariectomy in mares. This technique mitigates most of the disadvantages of standing flank ovariectomy and a conventional open ventral median approach.

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  • Vitte A, Rossignol F, Rossignol F, Brandenderger O, Lechartier A, Mespoulhes-Rivière C, Boening KJ: Ex Vivo biomechanical comparison of two types of attachment on the thyroid cartilage in the tie-forward procedure.


    Objective: Mechanical comparison of 2 methods of suture attachment onto thyroid cartilage for tie-forward procedure.

    Study Design: Experimental

    Sample population: Cadaveric horses larynges (n=40)

    Methods: The metallic implants (MI, n=20) suture technique and the double loop (DL, n=20) technique were performed as previously described by Rossignol et al. and Ducharme et al., respectively. Constructs underwent a single cycle to failure. Distraction, load, stiffness and type of failure were studied. A Wilcoxon signed–rank test was used to compare the mean maximal load and stiffness between groups.

    Results: Mean stiffness was 18.58 +-3.35 N/mm for DL and 17.06 +- 3.17 N/mm for MI, with no statistically significant differences between groups. Mean ultimate failure load was 365.52 +- 48.04 N for DL and 393.33 +-108.50 N for MI. These values were not significantly different (P=0.55). However, the 3 strongest constructs were obtained with MI (728.83N; 541.11N; 497.14N). All failures in the DL group were with breakout (tearing) of a piece of cartilage and 17 showed a bilateral cartilage lesion. In the MI group, 17 failures were due to splitting, 3 were with tearing and 8 showed a bilateral cartilage lesion.

    Conclusion: Although the mean peak force did not differ significantly between the 2 groups, the mode of failure with MI was less traumatic and more progressive. Further work is needed to assess this potential under cyclic loading on full larynges with axis traction closer to the in vivo situation.

    Clinical relevance: Placing MI as a buttress on the medial side of the thyroid cartilage minimizes trauma and rupture occurs more progressively.

  • Mespoulhès C, Rossignol F: 4 cas de contractures acquises des tendon fléchisseurs du doigt, NEVA 2011; 151(27):23-27.


    L’hyperflexion métacarpo-phalangienne ou bouleture résulte principalemant d’une contracture du tendon fléchisseur superficiel du doigt. Elle peut être congénitale ou acquise. Cette dernière résulte d’un défaut nutritionnel, d’un problème infectieux ou traumatique entrainant un défaut d’appui suite à un phénomène douloureux.

    Quatre chevaux ont été traités en raison de contractures acquises du tendon fléchisseurs superficiel du doigt; trois cas ont subi une desmotomie de la bride radiale associée à une ferrure correctrice et des antalgiques, un a récidivé et une ténotomie a du être réalisée, un autre cas a été traité par arthrodèse du boulet. Un cheval a retrouvé une activité de loisir, un autre a été mis à la reproduction, un a du être euthanasié et un est toujours en cours de réhabilitation.

    Le traitement des bouletures reste compliqué avec un pronostic réservé. Il passe souvent l’association d’un traitement médical (AINS, ferrures correctrices, exercice contrôlé) à un traitement chirurgical (desmotomie de la bride radiale, ténotomie du tendons fléchisseurs superficiels du doigt ou arthrodèse du boulet) qui doit être adapté à la sévérité clinique et à l’origine de la contracture.